To those we lost 2021

Soraya - Soraya was a great friend to our brother Vyal One and he had this to say: “

CRUSHED.... 💔Rest In Peace my beautiful friend ... thank you for your unconditional love , those of us who were touched by your light will never forget you . LA , we’ve lost a real life angel... #fuckcancer @nenagalactic 🙏🏽😔”

Before she passed in December of 2020, a GoFund Me was set up for her and her family. RIP.

James Prigoff (Born 1927) Jim Prigoff passed away in April of this year. He was a photographer, documentarian, and arts advocate. Many saw their first glimpse of Graffiti outside of their region through his published books like “Spraycan Art”. Here are a few words from Vyal.

Betita Martinez (Born 1925 ) w/ Nancy Pili . Betita was an author, activist, and fighter who inspired and taught many. She passed away in June of 2021 . See the hashtag #BetitaTaughtMe for personal stories, 500 Years of Chicano history, and this article by Mission Local.

Haunani Kay Trask ( Born 1949) Was a Hawaiian activist and educator who not only advocated for the study of Hawaiian history for students, but also advocate for the sovereignty of Hawaii. Here are some words from Anne Keala Kelly about Haunani. She passed away in July of this year.

Hung Liu w/ Cece Carpio

Hung Liu (Born 1948 ) passed away in August of 2021. She was an incredible painter and teacher who was born in China, grew up during the cultural revolution, trained to be a muralist, and then fled China for the US where her career flourished both as an artist and a teacher. Here are some words from Cece Carpio and a painting she collaborated on with artist Adrian Arias.

Zumbi (Born 1972) - Steve Gaines aka Zumbi was a pillar of the Bay Area hip hop community. And the music he made w/ Amp Live as “Zion-I” touched lives worldwide. Known to be kind, spiritual, a loving father, and an incredible lyricist Steve passed away in August of 2021. Eric Arnold wrote this great article and Rob/Tres had this to say.

Yolanda Lopez (Born 1942)- Was an artist, activist, and mentor to many.Originally from San Diego she painted murals, made illustrations, and paintings that empowered and forced critical thinking. This OG passed in September of 2021. Please follow her son (Rio Yanez) who is also an artist who has posted many memories of his mom.

Manuel “Little” Ayala (Born 1968) -Uncle of Miguel Bounce Perez and cherished family member passed away in October of this year. There was a service and obituary posted for him here.

Clarence “Cuba” Robbs (Born 1964) - Artist, DJ, and Pionner. Cuba, originally from Baltimore was an artist at a young age. He is one of the first to bring Graffiti to the Bay Area. He inspired many and pioneered styles. More about his life is here.

Photo by Gregory Thomas

Bell Hooks (Born 1952) Was one of the foremost critical thinkers, writers, and professors on Feminism, Patriarchy, and White supremacy. Her many books, interviews, and lectures have challenged the very core of world history and personal relationships. Here are some words from writer Ibrahim X Kendi. She passed away in December of 2021.

That’s it fam. These people whether personal or public have had a profound effect on our lives. Not just as artists but as people. Thank you for reading and please honor your loved ones and mentors while they are here and when they become ancestors. Asé.

RIP to Shock G and Gift of Gab as well.

-TYS 2021


TYS Winter Playlist


10 Questions w/Thitiwat